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We Encourage our Customers to bring their camera along if they have it , so that they can create memories along the way ! 

Extra Cloths/Swimsuit

A spare clothing/swimsuit , since we are heading to a beach where you'll play around water , we recommend to bring an extra. & don't forget towel .

A Big Smile

A Big smile wouldn't hurt anyone , and it would bring out the best in everyone around you !


Cellphone for emergency contact us when you mistakenly separated from us 


Sunblock or Mosquito Repellent , as the destination is close to nature's beauty , mosquito is part of the nature .


a small RM 100 on hand could come in handy when you need it , is for just incase you wanted to buy some snacks or anything along the way.

After sea-water play you might want to take a bath to feel refresh . It's OPTIONAL

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